Champions Week
On the week of November 20th to 24th Muffles College Highschool held its annual Champion's week, an event intented to empower students and make them aware of the challenges they face and assist them to make the right choices in life. It all started on Tuesday 21st with a special assembly organized by Peer Helpers and on Wednesday talent competitions were held at the auditorium. Thursday was a day for reflection and many invited guests took the stage to talk about their experiences and share in their wisdom. Friday was Religious day and it was dedicated fully for activities and presentations. A special and very dynamic mass was given by Fr Matt and Ms Cilia Usher, an invited guest from the Sisters of Mercy, spoke about the 5 critical concerns of Mercy. Students were also given the opportunity to listen to senator Osmany Salas, who spoke about mariguana decriminalization in Belize. And to close there was a presentation by Los Hijos del West, a musical band from Benque Viejo, who with the use of the Marimba had students and teachers on their feet and dancing.