Street at Muffles College is paved
The main street at Muffles College, running from the main gate to the laboratory building at the back of the school, received an asphalt...
Champions Week
On the week of November 20th to 24th Muffles College Highschool held its annual Champion's week, an event intented to empower students...
Catholic Secondary School's Leadership Conference 2017
Catholic Schools all over the country gathered at the Muffles auditorium to share and express their faith. The following schools were...
All Souls Day
In accordance with tradition and cultural practice Muffles College Highschool paid tribute to their departed loved ones.
Culture Day
Muffles College Highschool celebrated Cultural Diversity day this year on October 13th. Students were asked to come dressed in the...
Independence day Simposium
Muffles' Language department and the Student body organized this year on September 20th a symposium to reflect on this year's theme:...